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Tag Description Example
( contextual separator, left paren (
) contextual separator, right paren )
, punctuation mark, comma ,
. punctuation mark, sentence closer .;?*
: punctuation mark, colon :
CC conjunction, coordinating and, or, but
CD cardinal number fixe, three, 13%
DT determiner the, a, these
EX existential there there were six boys
FW foreign word mais
IN conjunction, subordinating or preposition of, on, before, unless
JJ adjective nice, easy, boring
JJR adjective, comparative nicer, easier, more boring
JJS adjective, superlative nicest, easiest, most boring
MD verb, modal auxillary may, should, wouldn’t
NN noun, singular or mass tiger, chair, laughter
NNP noun, proper singular Germany, God, Alice
NNPS noun, proper plural we met two Christmases ago
NNS noun, plural tigers, chairs, insects
NP noun phrase the pink panther
PRP pronoun, personal me, you, it
PRP$ pronoun, possessive my, your, our
RB adverb extremely, loudly, hard
RBR adverb, comparative better
RBS adverb, superlative best
RP adverb, particle about, off, up
S subject phrase suzy [is telling [a lie]]
TO infinitival to what to do?
UH interjection oh, oops, gosh
VA verb phrase and arguments telling a lie
VB verb, base form think
VBD verb, past tense they talked
VBG verb, gerund or present participle programming is fun
VBN verb, past participle a sunken ship
VBP verb, non-3rd person singular present I think
VBZ verb, 3rd person singular present she thinks
VP verb phrase die laughing madly
WDT determiner which, whatever, whichever
WP pronoun, personal what, who, whom
WP$ pronoun, possessive whose, whosever
WRB adverb, wh- where, when


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